The Neverending Story

6:19 PM
One would loosely agree with the expression, “We are all actors and life is our stage.” But some rare breeds, like the theatre types, appreciate this statement all too well. For one such...

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Flushing Bride

5:47 AM
"Be forewarned: After graduation, you will be invited to wedding, upon wedding until your mid 30s,” a longtime friend relayed, words from her older friend. Like clockwork, a year after graduation, invitations came...

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Goth Clubbin'

6:35 AM
One brisk Saturday night a few weeks back, I decided to go to the Metro for a goth event, as an attempt to fully experience life. Faux purple hair from Claire's? Check. Elvira...

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About me

About Me

I am a communications profesh with PR, social media and event experience, promoting consumer lifestyle brands. As a freelance journalist, I've splashed the pages of publications like Refinery29, Racked and Time Out. Additional creative outlets include snapping photos–finding the beauty in everyday life. I created Street To Runway to celebrate the changing fashion industry—where everyday folk inspire designers to create innovative collections. The blog has expanded to a resource where culture and creativity of all sorts collide. For more, visit

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