One brisk Saturday night a few weeks back, I decided to go to the Metro for a goth event, as an attempt to fully experience life.
Faux purple hair from Claire's? Check. Elvira dress? Check. Dark nail polish and lipstick? Check and check. Off I went to my first club. Here is what I found...
-a new mode of dance--flailing arms and legs by one's lonesome
-unusually refreshing dress code--anything goes
-discovery of a new trend in backpack wear--black rubber spikes.
-surprisingly pleasant, non-threatening, music--think Buffy the Vampire Slayer
...But in an attempt to act goth (or whatever stereotype associated), I was moving more and more towards conformity--in affect, the anti-goth. Needless to say, I felt odd pretending to be someone I am not. Though, not enough to never go back.